According to the news from the Xinhua News Agency, Lu Kang, the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry, announced on March 23 that Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the P.R. China, was invested by Obama, President of the U.S.A, to attend the fourth Nuclear Safety Submit held in Washington from March 31 to April 1; the invitation to China shows the recognition of the advanced countries to Chinese nuclear power technologies and the expectation of future development of nuclear power.
With wide development margin for nuclear power, the home equipment may become a necessary mainstream
The research report of the relevant agencies shows that the total installed capacity of nuclear power inChinain 2015 is 26.43 MKW and the annual increase rate is about 17%. At present, the percentage of nuclear power to the total power generation inChinais far below the average level of the world, which is 23.3%; therefore, there is a huge development margin.Chinahas built 2 low radioactive waste treatment plants; the key equipment used for the completed nuclear waste treatment plants are all imported from foreign countries. Besides the high price, the equipment is also influenced by exportation control of the exportation countries; in the future, home equipment may become a necessary mainstream.
By 2030, more than 200 nuclear power units in service at present around the world will have been shut down and the scale of retirement market will reach about 100 billion USD. The 300-tousand-KW unit in Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is expected to be retired around 2025; the relevant industry development in nuclear retirement for civil purpose and military purpose is of huge potential.
Prominent capability of Smarter Energy serves as the enhancer in the Nuclear Energy Submit
Far East Smarter Energy Co., Ltd., devoted to research and development, production and sale of smarter cables, plan and design and investment and construction of smarter energy and smarter city projects and management and service of energy efficiency, is a base of science and technology with a state-level enterprise technology center and a state-level recognized lab, etc. In terms of R&D and production, Anhui Cable, a subsidiary company held by Smarter Energy, signed a critical project contract with China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. amounting to over 130 million Yuan at the beginning of this month, which presents that it has won high recognition in aspect of R&D capability and technology level in field of nuclear power cables. On July 31, 2015, Anhui Cable and China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. worked together and jointly developed “Longhua I cable for extreme conditions”, which have passed the examination by China National Nuclear Corporation; Anhui Cable became the first company inChinato pass the nuclear-class examination and managed to fill up a blank space ofChinain this field. This achievement has stabilized the leading position of the Company in field of nuclear cable and laid a solid foundation for the Company to explore the oversea market. In aspect of performance, it’s shown in the performance growth prediction 2015 publicly disclosed by Far East Smarter Energy that the net profit to be earned by the shareholders of the listed company in 2015 will increase from 410 million Yuan to 460 million Yuan, increasing by 124%-152% when compared with the same period of last year.
In the future, with growth of nuclear power market, as a leader in wires and cables with the strong capability in R&D and up-to-date production technologies inChina, Far East Smarter Energy may witness an explosion-type development.