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Adhere to Ideals and Beliefs While Move Forward with the Party with One Heart

Date time:2016-06-23点击量:776作者:

- Far East Holding Group organizes an educational and training activity of "two learning and one doing”

On June 22, Far East Holding Group held an educational and training activity of "two learning and one doing", specially inviting Chi Huiling, Deputy Chief of Educational Department at Party School of Yixing Committee of C.P.C., to give a lecture titled "Communists’ Belief". Party Secretary, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Far East Holding Group Jiang Xipei attended the activity, together with the Party Committee member and Deputy General Manager of Far East Smarter Energy Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Smarter Energy; stock code: 600869) as well as Chief Production Officer of Cable Industry Zhu Changbiao, Party Committee member and Chief Administrative Officer as well as Assistant to the President of the Group Zhou Dongjiao, Party Committee member and Vice President of Far East Optical Co., Ltd. Xu Jianjun, investor of Smarter Energy and Senior Director as well as Deputy General Manager of Far East Trading Pay Network Technology Co., Ltd. Wang Xiaoqiang, and other Party Committee members, medium and top management members, Party activists and interested employees, a total of more than 100 attendees. Chairman of the Women's Federation of Gaocheng Town Zhang Li was invited to attend the activity, which was hosted by Zhou Dongjiao.

Jiang Xipei (middle), Zhou Dongjiao (left), Xu Jianjun (right), Wang Xiaoqiang (second from right), and Zhang Li (second from left) attended the activity

Zhou Dongjiao hosted the activity

Zhou Dongjiao introduced the meaning of the "two learning and one doing", and reported on the implementation of the educational and training activity of the "two learning and one doing". Since the activity, Party Committee of the Group has set up a coordination group for study, continuously deepening the educational and training activity by distributing and publicizing the studying material, and organizing the essay competition. She cited the speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping - "China's future belongs to a group of people with correct knowledge, correct concepts and positive energy. The real crisis is not a financial one, but the one of belief and morality. People with more blessings will have greater energy. Along with wise man and nice person, you will care for common people, a great love that is boundless" – and hopes all Party Committee members to continue to improve their political consciousness, cultivate and insist on trust, faith and belief, striving to become qualified Party Committee members with "four pursuits and four possessing".

Chi Huiling made a lecture titled "Communists’ Belief"

Using plenty and vivid cases, Chi Huiling illustrated that "Marxism and communism beliefs represent communists’ lifeblood and soul" in her lecture, She noted that the communism belief is not empty, but the “spiritual driving force” for the communists’ working and living, which can only have a strong vitality, and be affirmed and consolidated step by step in practice through implementation. She stressed that adhering to the ideals and beliefs as well as the spiritual pursuit of communists has always been the fundamental for the communists’ living and working. At the end of the lecture, she led all the participants to review the Party oath to get a soul baptism again and to further strengthen the communism ideals and beliefs.

Jiang Xipei made a conclusive speech

Jiang Xipei made a conclusive speech. He urged all Party Committee members to realize the "three believe": the first is to believe strength of beliefs. Communist Party of China is a great group, under whose leadership China is walking from misery to prosperity and revival. In this process, the Party has always been adhering to "advancement with the epoch, exploration and innovation”, and hence always has a strong vitality. As a member of this great group, each communist should have ideals and beliefs, and believe the strength of the beliefs. The realization of communism requires the efforts of generations, so each communist should contain righteous thoughts, promote uprightness, and do righteous things, who should always be a qualified Party Committee member.

The second is to believe positive energy from learning, a long lasting thing. Learning plays an important role in human’s growth and achievement. In the future, a better career and life will be inseparable from learning. No matter whatever you want, you need or you do, you may absorb energy from basic concepts, theories, histories, and other studying and training. Though it is necessary for you to learn, get education and training, what is more important is your desire to learn, learning methods, and motivation to learn.

The third is to believe measurement of moving forward. Doing everything well is a process of constant summary and enhancement. People differ from their needs, so when moving forward, you need to consider about other people, the society, the country, and the world. Similarly, doing business needs to consider about "infinite macro largeness, and infinite micro smallness". You need to do everything well from today, not content with the status quo; also, you need continuous accumulation and improvement, and to achieve more innovation, excellence, wealth and blessing.

He stressed that Far East culture is rooted in traditional Chinese culture, and the spirit of Far East is the result refined by Far East people over the years with great efforts, a spirit needs to be fostered and enhanced, a "five-innovation spirit", an "artisan spirit", and an "altruism spirit’. All reflect the corporate philosophy of Far East that is "to create value, and serve society", highly consistent with the Party’s fundamental purpose to “serve people wholeheartedly", because we always trust the Party, continuously learn from the Party, and move forward with the Party with one heart as well as believe a better future!

The on-site of the activity

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