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State Grid Starting a New Round of Grid Reconstruction and Upgrading Project in Rural Area

Date time:2016-05-07点击量:1030Origin:

Source: CPNN;  Date:2016-05-07 ; Page view: 173

Link of original article: http://news.315.com.cn/20160506/100687166.html

On April 29, State Grid held video and telephone conference to start a new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural areas. Liu Qi, vice Direct of National Energy Administration attended the conference and gave a speech.

Liu Qi expressed that the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area to be carried out by State Grid and commencement meeting of the first batch of projects is an important action for implementing the general program of a new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area planned by the State Council and accelerating rural grid construction.

Liu Qi pointed out that within the “13th 5-year plan” period, the investment of the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area to be carried out by State Grid is expected to be more than 520 billion Yuan. Especially in this year and the next year, according to the program of the State Council, the investment for only completing reconstruction and upgrading of grid in small towns and center villages and powering on the motor pumped wells in plain areas will be as high as 135.3 billion Yuan; the total investment for rural grid upgrading and reconstruction will be more than 175 billion Yuan.

Liu Qi emphasized that the for the project of the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading in rural area, the schedule is tight, work load is heavy and requirements are strict; State Grid should properly complete the key works and assure completion of construction targets of the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area. In addition, it shall enhance communication and coordination with governments of various levels, financing fund actively, enhance construction management, straighten out the rural grid system and assure that the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area will be carried out successfully.

In the conference, Shu Yinbiao, general manager of State Grid, expressed that the general target and principle tasks in the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area. The total investment for the new round of grid reconstruction and upgrading project in rural area of the State Grid will be 522.2 billion Yuan, which will be used to create a stable, economical and durable modern rural grid. The main tasks include: implementing “powering on every well” project to power on 2.19 million farm irrigation motor-pumped wells be the end of 2017; implementing grid reconstruction and upgrading in small towns (central villages) to complete grid reconstruction and upgrading in 66 thousand small towns (central villages) by the end of 2017 and supply power to 26 thousand natural villages by the end of 2017 and capacity increasing and reconstruction project in 52 thousand villages with power connected; photovoltaic poverty relief project to assure that the poverty relief PV projects in operation area of State Grid will be connected to the grid promptly; promoting rural grid power supply service equalization in west areas and poverty areas to improving power supply capacity in 553 poverty counties and solve problems of “low voltage” in 3.426 million rural households; improving rural grid development in east and middle area to achieve integration of rural and urban grids at the end of the “13th 5-year plan”; accelerating rural grid constructions in Tibet, Sinkiang and Tibetan regions in Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai to solve the weak connection between the local grid of rest 14 counties with the main grid.


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