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Shu Yinbiao: Accelerating the Development of Clean Energy and Promoting the Environmental-friendly a

Date time:2016-09-05点击量:1005Origin:

    On September 3, 2016 B20 Summit was formally held in the beautiful Hangzhou. Shu Yinbiao, Chairman of State Grid Corporation of China, attended the meeting and was interviewed by the reporter from Zhejiang Online as for the innovative development, internationalization strategy, and interconnection. Shu Yinbiao said that he is expecting to make deep communication with enterprises from various countries and discuss the mutual issues, so as to provide stronger power for the future development of the corporation.

     Power Grid Platform: Promoting the Environmental-friendly and Low-carbon Development

   At present, promoting the use of clean energy is the main trend for the present energy technology development. State Grid Corporation of China has also made great effort in this work.

    Shu Yinbiao said “State Grid Corporation of China is making positive efforts to construct a power grid platform that can absorb the clean energy in a larger scale, so as to make a good arrangement and use of the clean energy collected in the power grid and increase the proportion of clean energy in the whole electric power system. Now, the proportion of clean energy of State Grid Corporation of China has been up to 35%, and it is expected to be 40% by the end of 13th Five-Year Plan period and above 55% in 2030.

    Meanwhile, State Grid Corporation of China is also positively promoting the electric automobiles. Shu Yinbiao introduced that State Grid Corporation of China participated in the preparation of standards for electric automobile charging infrastructure, provided fundamental platform for electric automobile charging infrastructure, and positively supported private enterprises to participate in the construction of charging infrastructures.

   Shu Yinbiao held the opinion that with healthy economic structure, Zhejiang can support the Environmental-friendly and low-carbon development and is expected to become a demonstration province of Environmental-friendly and low-carbon development. State Grid Corporation of China will continue supporting the construction of Zhejiang Province to be a demonstration province of clean energy and will promote the realization of such an energy consumption mode that electricity substitutes coals, gas and oil, so as to reduce the consumption of fossil energy. Especially when Zhejiang is striving to develop port economy, it is essential to promote the electricity reconstruction at the port and increase the proportion of clean energy in the port operation.

     Innovation Driving: Changing the Energy Transportation Mode

    In recent years, China has entered the era of modern power grid with security level, economic level and resource allocation capability greatly improved and per capital installed capacity being over one kilowatt, which effectively guarantees the increasing electricity demand for economic development, social development, and living.

   Shu Yinbiao thought “Innovation is the fundamental power for promoting the global economic development. Enterprises without innovation have no future.” Innovation in energy field is the key for the next generation of technical innovation and industrial revolution. As a large energy enterprise, State Grid Corporation of China also bears such missions and duties.

    “In China, over 75% of the energy resource is concentrated in the West and North, while the power consumption load is mainly distributed in the mid-east region which is two or three thousand kilometers away from the west or north region rich in energy resources.” State Grid Corporation of China has developed the long-distance, large-capacity, and low-loss power transmission technology by way of technical innovation, so as to resolve the problem of unbalanced energy distribution in China, reduce the environmental impact from the extensive coal-electricity base construction in the east region, and promote the transformation of resource advantages to economic advantages for western resource-abundant provinces.

Open Cooperation: Expanding the International Communication and Interconnection

    With the implementation of "Going Global" strategy, State Grid Corporation of China has invested in and operated energy infrastructures in seven countries and regions, and cultivated a large number of overseas talents who are highly appraised by the local governments.

    Shu Yinbiao told the reporter that in the future, State Grid Corporation of China will expand the overseas businesses by following the OBAOR Strategy, promote the realization of interconnection with the energy infrastructures of surrounding countries, and continue to seek for the overseas investment and acquisition opportunities. Major attention will be paid to European and American areas, but market expansion will also be made in African areas and other areas.

    As for expectations for the 2016 G20 Summit, Shu Yinbiao expressed that all the countries are expected to use this platform to make mutual communication, idea exchange and mutual inspiration, and to seek for cooperation, new business opportunities and new ideas under the background that the global economic recovery is slow and the factors affecting the economic growth are still complicated. Shu Yinbiao thought that the theme of China in the G20 Summit, namely towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy, is exactly the major problem to be resolved by industrial and commercial circles for self-development, and also provides guidance for industrial and commercial circles to seek for new economic growth points and promote sustainable development.

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