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Under-Secretary-General of UN:The Sustainable Energy Development Is More Challenging Than Our Expect

Date time:2016-10-08点击量:1001Origin:

     Original text links: http://finance.ifeng.com/a/20161007/14921844_0.shtml

    It was reported by China News Service Hong Kong on October 7 that Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General of UN expressed his concern about a more challenging situation we are facing in the sustainable development of energy. First, the increasingly reduced petroleum and natural gas makes energy supply fall way short of demand; second, a seriously imbalanced energy structure which heavily relies on coal makes energy replacement impossible in short time; third, the imbalanced distribution of energy also poses a big challenge for us where, on the one hand, the developed countries consume large portion of world energy while, on the other hand, the developing countries are in great demand for energy to improve the living standards for their people.

    On October 7, the “Energy and Sustainable Transportation” Forum was held by China Energy Fund Committee (HongKong), where many UN officials and international energy specialists were invited to have discussion about how shall UN maintain the sustainable development of energy and transportation system.

    Wu Hongbo pointed out that currently, one-fourth global greenhouse gases were produced by fossil fuel-based transportation, which had taken 4 million people’s lives away, most of who were from developing countries. The United Nations has adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, which laid out the future blueprint for sustainable development and therefore required a concerted effort from all human beings to accomplish it.

    Wu Hongbo also expressed that sustainable transportation remains a major task for the United Nations. By the time of 2050, there will be as many as 2.5 billion people moving to cities all over the world, especially in Asia and Africa, which will inevitably give rise to such urbanization problems as traffic jams and transportation pollution, and the solution of which lies in the reasonable integration between energy and sustainable transportation. So all the countries involved shall fully cooperate to cope with these upcoming issues by learning successful experience from each other.

    He Zhiping, Executive Vice President and General Secretary of China Energy Fund Committee (Hong Kong) pointed out that priority should be given equally to economic effect, environmental protection responsibilities, full inclusion and access for the public in the sustainable development of transportation system. As one of the busiest transportation hubs in the world, Hong Kong enjoys large-scale and fully functioning public transportation system and infrastructure construction and sets a good example for international societies, however, Hong Kong is also inevitably challenged by the same problems which other developed countries and regions are facing right now. So it is necessary for Hong Kong to keep up with world pace in promoting the sharing of transportation system and innovation in actual application through internet technology so as to make the best use out of limited resources, ensure every citizen full access to transportation system and reduce urban energy consumption.

    Maria van der Hoeven, former executive director of International Energy Agency, expressed that a critical issue facing the world is how to produce energy in a more sustainable way because the current 7.3 billion population might increase to 9 billion 15 or 20 years later and every one of them will be needing electric light and access to transportation vehicle for works and vacations, which will create a remarkable increase for energy supply. Besides, energy supply is essential to economic growth, especially for developing countries which require large amount of energy to keep its sustainable economic growth.

    John Hoffmeister, former President of the Shell Petroleum Company, pointed out that China’s energy diplomacy is very creative and able to bring energy to places in need. Countries and regions on the receiving end of this kind of help should, on the one hand, have a correct understanding about and be grateful for this energy diplomacy; on the other hand, should be ware that, apart from China, they themselves are also responsible to improve their education and help the common people understand it in a better way.

    China Energy Fund Committee (Hong Kong) participates and sponsors the United Nations Energy Award. Wu Hongbo said that this award aims to encourage the application of clean and renewable energies in all kinds of circles in the world. At present, fossil fuel remains the most commonly used energy global wide which has caused severe damage and pollution to environment. Although this award has only been established and issued once since last year, it will influence more and more countries. The first winner went to disadvantaged families of Asia and Africa to provide electricity power for people there, especially for pregnant women in their deliveries, which plays a positive role in reducing mortality.

    John Hoffmeister said that this award offers USD 1 million to the winner, the same amount as the Nobel Prize, and he is fully convinced that more and more people will apply for this award.

    Wu Hongbo stressed that as a country with large number of energy consumption, China also produces large amount of renewable energy, so we could pass our experience and lessons we’ve learned down to other countries while improve ourselves by learning advanced technologies from other countries at the same time. As a strategic measure with great vision, the “Belt and Road” Initiative cover half of the poverty-stricken population. If we could accomplish an effective cooperation and win-win result with other countries, poor people along the “Belt and Road” line will be lift out of poverty really soon, which is of significant and positive influence to the world and is consistent with the United Nations’ goal of sustainable development.

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