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Jiang Xipei: Premier gave an objective report, financial crisis still spreading

Date time:2015-09-11点击量:980Origin:money.163.com

Link to original: http://money.163.com/15/0910/18/B3614R2E00254TFQ.html

    Today, Mr. Jiang Xipei, Board Chairman of Far East Holding Group, was interviewed specially by money.163.com on the site of opening ceremony of Davos Meeting. He believed that the analysis on present Chinese economic situation in the report given by Premier at the opening ceremony of Davos Meeting was very objective; at present, the financial crisis is still in stage of spreading.

    Jiang Xipei expressed that some issues in finance and economy were a part of the financial crisis, which deserved special attention. For transformation and upgrade, the valuable experience should be learned, mutual benefits and win-win situation should be achieved and resources distribution around the world should be considered carefully to play out our advantage in competition better.

    For the topic about international cooperation in production capacity emphasized in Premier’s report, Jiang Xipei thought that the world had become an earth village and information exchange and cooperation between nations and companies was a foundation to solve many problems.

    As for the future economic tendency of China, Jiang Xipei believed that it would be good for Chinese economy to maintain a sustainable development at 3%-5%, “because the base number is so huge, it’s not worthy to choose a principle and mode of development by sacrificing the future.”

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