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Power Reform Brings More Innovations to Development of Distributed Energy in Business Model

Date time:2016-11-02点击量:1142Origin:

       Original link: http://www.cnenergy.org/dl/201611/t20161102_403216.html

  On November 2, the first “Summit Forum on National Distributed Power and Capital Integration & New Round of Power Reform” was successfully held in Suzhou. Experts presented indicated that power reform would bring more innovations to development of distributed energy in business model. Leaders from relevant institutions and enterprises attended the forum, including the National Development and Reform Commission of PRC, National Energy Administration, China Electricity Council, Renmin University of China, North China Electric Power University, State Grid Corporation of China, distributed power generation enterprises and financial institutions. At the forum, they made an in-depth discussion on such hot issues in energy and power industry as energy revolution and power system revolution as well as power system reform and energy internet.

  Xue Jing, Vice-director of Department of Planning and Statistics under China Electricity Council, indicated that power development currently faced macroeconomic transition, and electricity consumption growth and energy transformation synchronized. With the promotion of power reform, power selling would be pried to become the key to the market game and the breakthrough to develop energy service industry. Power reform would be the catalyst to accelerate the development of energy service industry. Moreover, distributed energy development would be the key to the development of modern energy system.

  In terms of power and energy transformation, He Yongjian, Deputy Head of Policy Planning Department under National Energy Administration, believed that the new model development of energy has been confronted with many problems, such as low energy utilization efficiency, poor coordination among energy resources, significant contradictions in trans-provincial or trans-regional energy resource allocation and multiple bottlenecks for development of renewable energy. In this context, the main tasks for the next step are to optimize energy exploitation layout, strengthen peak-load regulation capacity building of power system, implement project for enhancing response capability of energy demand side and push ahead the sustainable development of new energy. In order to achieve these objectives, it is important to promote multi-functional, complementary and optimized demonstration projects and “Internet+” smart energy demonstration projects. During this process, support of system and mechanism is certainly necessary.

  Dai Yande, Director of Energy Research Institute National Development and Reform Commission, shared the same view. Meanwhile, he addressed, now power and energy industry in China was undergoing major transformation, while global energy transformation was speeded up. At present, global technical innovation of energy is in a highly active period, showing such features as multipoint breakthrough, accelerated application and far-reaching influence. Major countries involved will highlight and vigorously promote key tasks based on their resources, technical capacity and demand expansibility and so on. China also should conduct relevant transformations in energy development model, supply model, consumption mode and living pattern according to actual situations.

  In addition to discussing energy and power transformation on a macro basis and business model brought by power reform to distributed energy development, relevant directors of Beijing Junyang Investment Co., Ltd. and State Power Investment Corporation – Ronghe Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. also shared their insights on power system reform and development of distributed photovoltaic power station, reform and finance of power selling side and other specific issues.

  It was reported that the forum was held for the first time and would be held every year since then. The forum called for developing such business models as “Roof+” “Power Selling Side +”, “Energy Efficiency +”and “Finance +” at parks and large industrial user side by centering on new round of power system reform, especially reform of power selling side and in combination with distributed power, providing a platform for discussion distributed power development and profit model of power selling companies.

  Meanwhile, following topics were discussed at the forum, including increasing application ratio of clean power for users under roof and return of investors, promoting implementation of “Three Gorges Dam Project on Roof” gigawatt distributed power projects at Yangtze River Delta and Yangtze River Economic Zone and achieving upgrade of energy production and consumption like power generation, power consumption and energy efficiency improvement at user side.

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