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Monitoring Warning Released by National Energy Administration Requires No New Wind Power Project Bui

Date time:2017-02-23点击量:1662Origin:

      Original link: http://www.chinapower.com.cn/focus/20170223/83359.html

  2017 wind power investment monitoring warning released by National Energy Administration today indicates that provinces (autonomous regions), such as Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang (including Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps), are red alert areas for the development and construction of wind power, while other provinces remain as green areas. According to the warning, provinces (autonomous regions) with red alert are not allowed to build new wind power project and are required to take effective measures to solve the problem of curtailment of wind power.

     It is required by National Energy Administration that grid enterprises should not accept new applications for wind power integration projects (including project under construction, approved project and project incorporated into the planning) of provinces (autonomous regions) with red alert, and government agencies should not issue power generation business licenses for new wind power projects to above-mentioned provinces (autonomous regions). Meanwhile, National Energy Administration decides to suspend the construction of wind power projects including Xinjiang Zhundong New Energy Base, Turpan One-hundred-kilometer Wind Zone and the second batch of projects of Jiuquan Wind Power Base, and use the running transmission channels or transmission channels in progress to store and transport the power of existing projects.

     As for provinces without red alert, it is necessary for them to control the pace of constructing wind power projects, independently determine the annual construction scale and list of projects based on the implementation of construction conditions like market demands, and coordinately consider the connection of construction and utilization in case of new situations required for curbing power use.

      It is reported by journalist that in order to effectively increase the clean energy supply in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Region, National Energy Administration has required Hebei Provincial Energy Bureau to accelerate the construction of the second phase of wind power projects of Chengde Base to ensure that all projects can be accepted by grid by the end of 2017, and orderly promote the construction of the third phase of wind power projects of Zhangjiakou Base according to the construction schedule of Zhangjiakou Renewable Energy Demonstration Zone. Scattered wind power projects will no longer be built in Zhangjiakou and Chengde.

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