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China Top 500 Private Enterprises List Released in 2020 Far East Holding Group Ranked 233th

Date time:2020-09-24点击量:667作者:

  It is reported that a total of 5761 enterprises with an annual revenue of more than 500 million yuan participated in the survey of private enterprises this year. The top 500 private enterprises at least reach 20.204 billion yuan, an increase of 1.618 billion yuan over the previous year.


  Founded in 1985, Far East Holding Group has always adhered to the mission of "creating the value, serving the society", and the vision of "jointly building and sharing safe, green and beautiful life". The company have firmly developed industrial, educational and charity undertakings, and embarked on a road of private enterprise development with unique characteristics. At present, Far East Holding Group has an annual revenue of nearly 50 billion yuan, brand value of 81.018 billion yuan, and nearly 10000 employees. The company has been listed as "top 500 Asian brands", "top 500 Chinese enterprises" and "top 500 private enterprises in China" for many years.

  Diversified Layout, Five Business Sectors Make Efforts Constantly

  By focusing on its core business, Far East has laid out five business sectors: smart cable network products and services, smart airport / energy system services, integrated energy services, smart vehicle power and energy storage systems, and industrial Internet. From wire and cable manufacturing, the company has gradually developed into a whole industry chain service of "planning and design - product supply - construction and installation - operation and maintenance monitoring - energy efficiency management - general contracting service". The scale of cable production and marketing is leading in the industry. The company is the largest and most competitive intelligent cable manufacturer in China, and won the first National Quality Award in the industry.

 While focusing on the main business, Far East vigorously develops the new energy industry, comprehensively arranges new energy power batteries and other fields, carries out comprehensive energy business, and provides diversified energy and service forms to meet the needs of users.

  At the same time, Far East has also put its perspective on the construction of smart airports.Jinghang'an Airport Engineering in Beijing is one of the fully qualified units in the professional engineering construction field of domestic civil aviation airports, and has undertaken more than 600 projects of more than 160 airports at home and abroad.

  In the construction of industrial Internet, Far East takes "cable network, trading treasure, trading center" as carrier, and takes strong marketing network and exclusive store network as support, vigorously implements OTO strategy and supply chain financial services, and strives to build an e-commerce OTO service platform for the whole industrial chain of electrical and electrical industry.

  Gather the main business and forge ahead under the opportunity of new infrastructure construction

  With the rapid development of new infrastructure, the wire and cable industry is facing great development opportunities. As a leading enterprise in the industry, Far East is also concentrating its resource advantages, focusing on its main business, further strengthening its leading edge and fully releasing its 35 year industry accumulation.



 In the beginning of 2020, Far East will adjust its strategy again and face the market with a new marketing strategy. In the first half of the year, smart cable business performed well and grew steadily. At the same time, adhering to the strategic goal of "To be number one, not number two", Far East has actively expanded cooperation with leading enterprises in the industry. In the first half of 2020, its listed company Far East Smart Energy Company(abbreviation: smart energy stock code: 600869) has 637 strategic partners, including 29 of the world's top 500 and 83 of the top 500 of China, and its brand competitiveness is increasing.

  In addition, in the wave of new infrastructure, Far East is also actively promoting digital transformation, promoting intelligent production process, and comprehensively improving the level of enterprise R & D, production, management and service.

  Turn the Original Intention into Practice, Be Brave in the Test of the Times

  In the 35 years of development, Far East has always been keeping pace with the times and resonating with the state. With the responsibility of private enterprises, Far East has made special contributions to the high-quality development of manufacturing industry and national economic construction.

 In the construction of national key projects, relying on the advantages of scale production and technological research and development, Far East has helped "made in China" to take the lead in the world with its best products and services, lighting up the country's heavy equipment and shining the world. Far East has been involved in China Zun, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, Beijing Daxing airport, Shanghai World Financial Center and other national key projects.

  What is worth mentioning is that during the epidemic period, Far East supplied more than 200000 meters of various professional cables for the anti epidemic construction projects. Among them, in the project of Huoshen mountain and Raytheon mountain, Far East acted quickly, responded positively and completed the production task efficiently.

  As one of China's top 500 private enterprises, Far East will continue to take the national development strategy as the guide, adhere to quality innovation, strengthen quality construction, lead the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry with its own actions, and contribute more to national economic development!


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